Category Archives: Newborn
Dear Friends,
2018 has been an amazing year! Thank you so much for your support and passion for our professional photography services. It is an honor to be able to share your family’s special milestones.
Please enjoy our holiday video (click on the video to play). May you have a happy, healthy and blessed holiday season. Mint Purple Studio looks forward to serving you in 2019!
Blessings and light,
Please Keep in Touch Here!
For this child I have prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart. ~1 Samuel 1:27
Every baby that comes through the Studio is a blessing and Sir C was no different. With the most adorable head of hair and cute demeanor, it seemed like Sir C melted effortlessly into his different poses when in fact he completely melted our hearts with his sweetness! Mommy described her decorating style as rustic barnyard with neutral colors so we decided on neutral blues and grays. Sir C was a dream to photograph. I am so honored to be able to serve this loving family during such a special time of their life!
Dear Friends,
2017 has been a wonderful year of learning and growth! I was incredibly blessed to be awarded a Luminous Endowment grant for a challenging photography project. The Studio’s website was also updated to make client proofing easier, session booking faster and blogging more on point.
Thank you for your passion for Mint Purple Studio’s professional photography services. It is truly an honor to be able to share your family’s special milestones because they are important ones for me as well.
May you have a happy, healthy and blessed holiday season. I look forward to serving you in 2018!
Blessings and light,
P.S. If you’ve missed our previous holiday videos, kindly find them here! 2016, 2015
Twitter: http://www.twitter.
CafePress: http://www.
A new baby is like the beginning of all things wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. ~Eda J. Le Shan
We have waited nine months for you Lady H! Mommy contacted me early in her pregnancy to book a cuddly bundle themed newborn photoshoot for Lady H. Mommy was a knitter and wanted to work in different knit textures, furs to create a warm, snuggly backdrop. Lady H loved every moment of her photoshoot and flashed me a ton of cute smiles. We captured those little and perfect newborn hands, toes – all that will be just a little bigger one week later. Newborn babies grow so incredibly fast! I am incredibly blessed to be able to capture such a sacred and beautiful moment for Lady H and her family.
Dear friends of Mint Purple Studio,
2016 has been an amazing year because the studio is growing by leaps and bounds. Thank YOU so much for your support and passion for professional photography. It is truly an honor to be able to share your family’s special milestones.
Please enjoy our annual holiday video featuring your little ones from this year. A big congratulations if you made it onto our booking calender this year! As our gift to you, click the link here to claim your 5% discount off all session fees for 2017 bookings!
May you and your loved ones have a joyful, blessed and healthy holiday season. I look forward to serving you in 2017!
Twitter: http://www.twitter.
CafePress: http://www.