Category Archives: graphics

{Character Series} Monchogo and Monchoco the Monkey Twins


Time for a new character debut!!  Earlier this year, I was blessed to photoshoot a super fun cake smash for twin baby girls turning one years old.  Although twins, the adorable babies looked very different from each other!  They inspired me to create a pair of cute twin monkey brothers Monchogo and Monchoco. The monkeys are similar in that both love to eat organic bananas (yup, organic bananas! USDA organic and non-GMO Project certified type…). But Monchogo is a golden colored monkey while Monchoco is a chocolate colored monkey.  You will often find them creating mischief at your local farmers market where organic bananas are abundant.


You can show Monchoco and Monchogo some love by downloading and sharing their wallpaper below. Please be kind and keep our watermark uncropped. 🙂

Monchoco wallpaper <– click here

Monchogo wallpaper <– click here

You will soon find Monchoco and Monchogo merchandise in our character shop in a few weeks on CafePress!

If you would like to sponsor future character creations as well as our free downloads, feel free to Paypal your gift to  We will make a donation to Guide Dogs for the Blind at the end of the year on your behalf.  Thank you in advance for your sponsorship!

{Character Series} Rolly Bubble Sheep


To celebrate the upcoming Lunar New Year of the Sheep, a new character debuts!  The inspiration for Rolly Bubble Sheep came one day as my son insisted that I blow bubbles for him to pop. I was taking a break from photographing babies but itching to create something. Lunar New Year of the Sheep was coming up and suddenly an image of a sheep shaped like a bubble floated into my head.  The idea solidified that same evening while I watched my son play with a gigantic stuffed sheep doll. And Rolly Bubble Sheep was born 🙂

Rolly Bubble Sheep has super fluffy wool that can be blown into bubbles around his body. He loves to roll around with the help of his bubble wool but often gets stuck in crevices. When that happens, Rolly Bubble Sheep will pop some of his wool bubbles to get out and then blow some more to cover the missing bubbles. He’s super active but quiet.  If you are not paying close attention, Rolly Bubble Sheep might roll past you without you even knowing!

As the Studio’s auspicious Lunar New Year’s gift, please feel free to download/print/share the below New Year wallpaper and banners to decorate your home or office!

Chinese New Year 2015 Wallpaper








fai chun Chinese New Year 2015 Wallpaper

















If you are printing the red envelope template, remember to select “shrink to fit page” in your printer window. Enjoy and have fun DIYing!

{Photography} Easter 2014

Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. ~S. D. Gordon

I am easing off of maternity leave with a 15 minute mini session of Lady A for her one hundred day old photo shoot.  I missed squishing cute babies so much and Lady A was full of smiles for mommy.  While processing photos from the shoot, I’m beginning to fall in love with the whole vintage look for photographed babies – may begin to incorporate some more of that look into my processing style!  Enjoy precious Lady A’s images here and have a lovely Easter!



Vintage Frames 14

{Character Series} Sweet Honey, the Happy Horse

In honor of Lunar New Year 2014, we debut a new character named Sweet Honey, the Happy Horse!

mpsChinese-New-Year-2014-WallpaperSweet Honey’s hair is golden brown, like the color of honey, and her temperament is super sweet – hence the name Sweet Honey! She loves to eat clementines and is often seen carrying two extra ones around for good measure. You never know when you might get hungry and need a snack! Sweet Honey is very kindhearted and often finds it difficult to say no so she sometimes gets into situations over her head. But one thing’s for sure, once Sweet Honey becomes your friend, she is loyal and true to the end 🙂

Sweet Honey and everyone at Mint Purple Studio wishes you and your loved ones a Happy Lunar New Year of the Horse. As a thank you to our fans and clients, please feel free to download our studio’s Lunar New Year wall decorations. Just print, cut out and tape/hang them around your home. Enjoy! Download the Wallpaper HERE.

Download the Sweet Honey wall decoration HERE


Download the Lucky wall decoration HERE

